Write for Us!
Thank you so much for your interest in submitting an article to RallyUp Magazine!
We are Normalizing conversations around suicide, mental health, and substance
abuse. Join us in the conversation.
Guidelines for Submissions:
- No more than 500 words per piece.
- When submitting previous work, make sure you still have ownership.
- Please include name, and title of piece as you would like it to appear in the
magazine. - DOC, DOCX, and Word formats only.
- (Highly Suggested, but optional) Contact Info: website, social media platform(s).
Submissions should be sent to rallyup.submissions@gmail.com with "RallyUp Submissions" as the subject line.
Guidelines for Supporting Photos and Artwork
- Maximum of 5 photos can be submitted, but only up to 3 will be selected.
Photos need to be high-resolution photos (300 dpi file) for a professional look once published. Please provide photo credit for all pictures submitted.
- Save files as jpegs or png
Advertise With Us!
Bless our readers with an opportunity to connect with you, your business or products. Our magazine is global which increases your chances of connecting with our readers all over the world!
***All advertisements include Social Media Promotion
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Grab you a spot before there all gone!

General Inquiries
This platform is for you to express yourself... whether it's in every issue or once a year. If you have any questions or general inquires, email us at offc.rallyupmagazine@gmail.com.
If you are in crisis, text 0r call 988 for the Crisis Lifeline or Text FIGHT to 741741
Need Therapy? https://www.betterhelp.com/